Equity Builder Funds are available this week - that's up to a $15,000 grant for income qualified buyers. Equity Builder Funds:
Assist eligible home buyers with up to $15,000 in down payment and closing costs;
Are available to households with incomes at or below 80% of HUD area median income based on property location;
Recipients must attend home buyer education/counseling program.
If the home owner remains in the home for 5 years, there is no repayment. If the home is sold within the first 5 years, the grant is paid back on a pro-rated basis.
Enrollment to eligible borrowers starts March 23, 2016, with a fully executed Purchase & Sale Agreement, completed application and income/asset verification.
Think you may qualify? Now is the time to reach out to us and your local lender for more details. This is a great opportunity to buy a home while there is a good inventory of homes to choose from, interest rates are low, and now you may have an additional $15,000 to put towards your down payment and closing costs!